1 Introduction


3 Torah

4 The Universe

5 Judaism 1

1, 2, 3, 4,5

Judaism 2

  6, 7, 8, 9, 10

7 Messages



References for Part 4

                                                 Exod. 9:16                                                   

`#r,ah-lkB. ymiv. rPes; ![;m;l.W yx_iKo-ta, ^t.aor>h; rWb[]B; ^yTêid>m;[/h, tazO rWb[]B; ~lWaw>

Exod. 9:16   but, however, with this intent:  I make you stand fast in order to show you My power and with the purpose of My name being declared throughout the earth.”


[Return to Text, Part 4]